Grooming Report Wed. Feb. 27

Spring like conditions on the mountain today and the snow was soft. Scott and I used the roller compacter on our entire trail system including the entire Klaus trail. Today too soft to use the Ginzu so no classic tracks set. Klaus will now be the primary groomed N-S trail from Ellis trail head to the ski area as the high side of the Service road we cannot groom at this point due to large mounds of snow and ice in several sections from road clearing. A helpful plow operator from the ski area today made an effort to help us with this issue but until we can muster a crew of 4-6 hardy shovelers and a warm day to melt the chunks of ice, we wont be attempting to groom the service road. We are very thankful to the ski area for keeping a ski lane open there for most of the winter during their restaurant work. Klaus is in great shape, lots of snow, well protected, just one or two short steep sections to get over. The rest of the groomed trails are in excellent shape, tons of snow where stepping off the trail one can sink almost to your waist. We will shoot for an extra early morning groom later this week, when hopefully the trails will be firm enough to pull the Ginzu to set classic tracks. Today, UNM ski team is training up there, in preparation for their next competition. Go Lobos!

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