It was great to get up on the mountain today and resume our grooming operations. Thank you for your patience over the past few weeks, and thank you especially for all of your snow dances!
Basic Report
- Service Road: Groomed with roller/compactors. The Ski Area also ran their snowcat up and down the Service Road. Classic tracks not set.
- Lower Trails to Aspen Loop: Groomed with roller/compactors. Classic tracks not set.
- Lower Trails Aspen Loop to 10K Meadows: Groomed with roller compactors. Classic tracks not set. Large fallen tree removed.
- Please use caution on the trails, as there are still some thin areas and unmarked obstacles present.
Additional Info
Today’s groomers were Jeff and Scott. We took the first tram up and were pleased to find that approximately 4 inches of new snow had fallen overnight. We received another 2-3 inches while we were grooming, so we have roughly 6-7 inches of new snow on the mountain. We were able to roll and compact the entire groomed trail system. Please note that there are still a few thin areas (where the burn out spots typically are) and a few unmarked obstacles here and there throughout the course, notably on the hilly sections of the Service Road, the S turn on Klaus that is close to the Service Road, the bottom of the hill just before entering the Aspen Loop, and the far east section of the lower 10K meadow trail. We also removed a 24 inch diameter Fir tree from the alpine section of the south connector trail, which Karl Walczak had reported yesterday. We still need at least another 4-6 inches before we can begin setting classic tracks on the trails. Please note that I have attached a pdf with a few photos from our outing today. You can also view this short video of us grooming from the Bunny Hill up to the Ellis Parking area to get an idea of how the trails are doing. We hope to get back out with the Ginzu groomers before this weekend, pending groomer availability, and will announce our next grooming date in the next couple of days. Also, since we took the tram up, we do not have first hand knowledge of the Crest Road conditions; we did notice a few cars in the Ellis lot.