Brief Report
Service Road: Groomed with Ginzus; classic tracks that Dave set on Saturday were still holding up, so they were not reset
Klaus Trail: Groomed with Ginzus; did not set classic tracks
Lower Trails to Aspen Loop: Groomed with Ginzus
Lower Trails Aspen Loop to 10K meadow: Compacted trails with ATVs and baby Ginzu (bades up). Some rutting may exist – please use caution.
Additional Details
Today’s groomers were Jeff and Scott. We arrived at the container at ~ 8:30 AM and took the Ginzus up the Service Road to Ellis. We had planned on doing a couple of loops around Klaus and the Service Road, but encountered a dead fir tree that had fallen across Klaus about half way up the trail. Fortunately, we had a chainsaw with us and were able to remove the tree, which was roughly 16 inches in diameter. Thanks to Phil Book, who was skiing Klaus and stopped to lend a hand. With the tree removed, we finished our double Ginzu pass of Klaus, then headed back out the SR to Ellis, and then down to the Aspen loop with both Ginzus in tow. We made a few passes around the Aspen Loop, then dropped the large Ginzu and headed to the lower trails to track them out. We made a few loops around the lower trails down to the 10K meadow and back with one Grizzly without an attachment followed by the other Grizzly pulling the small Ginzu. The lower trails came out pretty nice, considering the condition of the snow, which has been through multiple freeze thaw cycles in the past couple of weeks. Keep your eyes out for ATV ruts if you ski this section, as well as a few burned out areas at the south end of the 10K meadow. It was nice to finally see the trailwork that we did this summer all covered in snow! The improvements we made were definitely apparent. Looks like we should get a little bit of precipitation tonight, so the trails should be nice tomorrow.