Grooming report Fri Mar 1

We started the day at dawn to maximize the efficiency of the Ginzu, which works best in colder, crusty snow and sure enough, it performed flawlessly.  Classic track was set throughout most of the trail system and the skating lanes are as good as they get. 
When he wasn’t skating the silky corduroy Scott was laying down, Jeff did a tremendous amount of shoveling to level the trail between the bunny hill and the upper meadow   We groomed everything except Klaus south of the storage container (there is a part of the south section of the Klaus trail that is too narrow for the Ginzu which we did roll to compact on Wed). 
March is here and as you know skiing in late season can be challenging with varying conditions, crust, ice and what have you. Groomed trails are a game-changer, transformed from chunkiness to smoothness and joy. EXCELLENT skiing today and should set-up nicely overnight for Saturday and Sunday.

chunky no mas!

Hope to see you out there!

0 Responses

  1. Great job grooming! It really does help with conditions. Even on Sunday, when it had rained overnight and then set up ice in some areas, there was a great area on the upper groomed trails where the tracks were still very nice. For us newbies, could you clarify what you mean by the “Klaus” trail? I have been out on the upper groomed trails and they don’t seem to conform to the map — there’s a trail intersection, seemingly an upper and lower loop? that’s not shown on the map. The access road plowing did not do us any favors over the weekend, lots of slush thrown over the skiable part then frozen.

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