Grooming Report Wed. Feb.20

The storm on Tuesday dumped an additional 9″ on our trails with drifts up to a foot and a half and it was GREAT to see some additional snow to cover the dirty old crusty stuff. Cold temps ( 5 deg f in the am) keeping it fluffy.  Scott and Jeff spent the morning rolling and compacting the trails and combed them out nicely for skate or classic along with a bit of shoveling in a couple areas. We did not set classic tracks, which are done better with the Ginzu and the snow needs to set up a bit first.  We were able to compact everything except the Klaus trail from the container south.  Looks like there may be some more snow coming on Friday (Yea!!!)  and we are tentatively planning on grooming again on Saturday morning. Hope to see you on the trails!

The tag team getting down to business!

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