Grooming Report Thurs. Jan 17

Splendid day in the Sandias! Sunny, fairly warm and no wind. Scott handily groomed a 7-8 ft, strip of the Service road which thoughtfully was left for us and not plowed for the restaurant work. We then tackled Klaus and it is now coming along nicely, a bit soft but should firm up and is good for both classic and skate. Klaus shaping up to be a nice flowy trail in the woods, so should hold up well all season. Too soft yet to set classic tracks perhaps next week. Lower trails also re-groomed and looking good also for classic and skate. Plan for Saturday to continue work focusing on the southern end of Klaus which is a bit cambered and will benefit from some shoveling. We likely will take first tram and anyone interested in some upper-body workout please join us along Klaus. Also the Sandia Nordic Après ski get together is happening Sat at Santiagos from around 3-5. Hope to see you there. Best of luck this weekend to all the racers going to Chama CC and thanks to all of you for your kind comments and donations to Sandia Nordic.

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