Grooming Report, Jan 10 2019

Great hardworking crew today, including Mandy, Amy, Steve, Scott.  With the snow firming up a bit and with great shovel work by the crew, we were able to get the ATV and roller  completely from end to end of  Klaus and after going over it several times (only had to dig out the ATV once) it is now packed down a good bit.  Not baby butt smooth yet but good for classic and passable on skate skis. So you can access Klaus from the tram from the N end of the meadow near the big propane tank and from the S end right at the Ellis Parking  and also can access Klaus   across the Service road at our storage container. Also Ellis parking lot is now plowed , compliments of our club!  The only sad news to report is at around 3:00 the restaurant crew plowed the Service road down to near dirt. The plowers were trying to leave a narrow strip so at least classic skiers could trudge along.   With Klaus open now though, that is the go to N-S trail which at the Ellis end you can access the rest of a trails heading down to 10K meadow.  Will continue work on the lower trails this Saturday. Regards,  Jeff.

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