Grooming Report, Dec 27th 2018

Epic day. Snowshoed up from the ski base as road was impassable past Capulin in the AM. About 1-2 ft of fresh snow with some drifts up to 2 ½ ft. Nice fluffy dry snow. The service road was being plowed to almost dirt while I was up there. Managed to dig out the ATV storage container buried from the road plowing and blowing snow and made multiple passes on our trails starting at Ellis TH using the roller compacter. Did not groom Klaus as it will need more shoveling before it can be groomed. Deep snow on the trail except for a blown off patch E side of the lower 10K meadow. Only got the Grizzly stuck 3 times, definitely driver error, as the Griz is a champ capable of blazing through big drifts. Also made a feeble attempt at plowing Ellis parking lot as the Govt shutdown the FS is not plowing . The parking lot had close to 2 ft and after about an hour of that, not a great result but some limited parking now. For those of you more vertically minded, the ski area is partially groomed with areas of great powder and a bit blown off in patches down low. The few hiking snowboarders, including Matt were having fun.Looks like more on the way tonight, suggest you call the BCSO non-emergency number to check status of the road. They were plowing it all the way up around 2:30 . Turns out they completely closed the road below Doc Long after I got up there, and on the way down about a 100 or so tubers were hangin out at the road block.

Sorry no Pics my phone got too cold and the battery died.

Probably will groom again on Sat. At some point will set classic tracs, maybe next week.

Thanks again everyone for your support of Sandia Nordic.

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